Eastside Electives
Pandemic Poetry
Their hatred for me is hypocritical
I do the same as them
I live and reproduce just like they do
And yet i'm the monster
Over their own history they have only thought of one upping
and destroying each other
And yet consider themselves better than animals
They are the world’s true destroyer
And I'm just dealing the justice they deserve.
by Rodrigo Espilco
I look for my next victim
They’re everywhere
The young
The dumb
The old
People make it so easy
I’m the thing your parents warn you about
The monster under your bed
The mystery on the news
The underestimated disease
I’ve come
And I’ve consumed
Leaving crying children and empty beds in my wake
by Daisy Mora
Maybe one day
I can look back on everything and say
I made it
I made it through all the stress
All the pain
Maybe one day
I'll look back and say
It made me
by Blue Cunningham
I met a gift disguised as a curse the other day
Who showed me what I missed out on when he wasn’t here
“With me around, it’s easier to look into yourself.
You've become as clear as a glass of water”
And though I’d like to scoff and shoo him away, I have to admit its true:
This virus has given me the opportunity to meet myself all over again
Thanks to a world that has turned completely upside down
I feel whole again
by Stephany Urbina
The straw that broke the camel's back
Who would of thought
It would be
Something you can't even physically see
Either way
I’ve had fun
Just like your uncle
Who drank too many coronas
I will hand it to you though
Somehow you have managed
To make me political
Maybe you saw the pictures of me
And believed me
To be
I mean
They do depict
Did they think
That it made the immune
With that logic
They must be as prone to idiocy
As they are to me
Well in any case
Just like their racist system
I’ve stuck around
I have already created
a legacy
Broke your economy
Flooded your system
Any American who is paying attention
I wonder how much debt
You'll carry
I wonder how many caskets
Will be carried
I wonder if you’re still okay
With your healthcare system
I wonder if you will ever get rid of me
Remember how you were in a 2 week quarantine
Well it was lovely talking to you
See you around
by Bresy Pedraza-Perez
It wants sleep as badly as I do
I run on charge, upload, and post
My life won’t allow it to
I just blocked my friends off
how can we fix this
I am tired
of the same
by Jordan Wafer
Dear keyboard,
Your screen is too bright, flashing white light into my tired eyes
You are heavy, supporting all your weight on my skinny legs
And if you won’t learn to whisper, at least learn to shout when I ask you to
When I press hard on your sound button
I’m hoping it will increase my ability to concentrate
Shake me out of sleepiness
And maybe
Just maybe
Teach me to start loving working from home
by Stephany Urbina
What my emotions look like in COVID-19
Hair falls like a limp sail
On her stretched face
Tears flow wide
And the sharp lines
Begin to fade
I didn’t mean it
But some part I did
Now I’m free
But it doesn’t seem
To really matter
Waves carry
Pain and relief
Down a spent face hope lives in between each peak and valley
by Jordan Wafer
I keep my eyes on the screen and one hand on my pen
My ink as dark as the times we live in
My sheets as stained as her cheeks
I document what flashes before my eyes
I document her pain
His pain
Their pain
Her story ingrained in my brain
My heavy heart becoming lighter as the ink drains
I hold my breath until my lungs burn
Too afraid to inhale
But still
I inhale
by Daisy Mora