Eastside Electives

ART 1- mediums, and techniques in art ADVANCED ART- studio based portfolio class DIGITAL ILLUSTRATION- ipad art YEARBOOK - page design and photography

BEGINNING DANCE- level one dance technique and choreography ADVANCED DANCE- self expression through dance and student choreography, live performance opportunities

DRAMA- introduction to acting and technical theater, live performance at the end of the semester

Our BAND, CHOIR, and PIANO classes incorporate music theory, cover a variety of styles of music, and culminate in end-of-semester performances

PHOTO 1- Introduction to the Art form of Darkroom and Digital Photography ADVANCED PHOTO- An exploration of advanced photographic practices and projects

In this class, we express ourselves through poetry, flash fiction, short stories, and spoken word. Everybody has a story waiting to be told. Join us and add your voice to the mix!

INTRO TO CS- No coding experience needed CS 2- Intermediate, project-based class AP CS A- for AP credit CS 3A- for college credit; offered through Foothill College

The BEGINNING and ADVANCED JOURNALISM classes study the role of the media in society and create and produce the school newspaper, "The Eastside Panther". Students develop writing, editing, photography and design skills, express the voice of the student body, and take on leadership.

STRENGTH & CONDITIONING will focus on all areas of fitness including strength, speed, endurance, and flexibility training. You will learn how to workout in a positive environment and live a healthy lifestyle

YOGA & WELLNESS: In this class, we explore various health and wellness topics using yoga, mindfulness, and self-expression. This class is great if you are looking for creative ways to reduce and manage stress!

Basketball Cross Country Soccer Track & Field Volleyball

Work on a publication while learning, layout, design, photography and teamwork.